Our mission is to empower athletes to find, see, and cultivate resilience.

Building psychological resilience is essential to success.

Every athlete faces challenges, and performance is as dependent on mental fitness as it is on physical fitness. To achieve peak performance, one must be resilient. Building resilience is core to our support as our sessions help athletes transform adversity into a mindset of growth. 


Helping athletes achieve their mission with goal-based therapy.

We do not offer typical office-based therapy, instead, sessions are customized for each athlete. Our team is flexible, ever-changing, and meets each athlete where they are, and helps them get to where they need to be. We help athletes think outside the box based on their circumstances, experiences, strengths, and goals.

Managing depression

How depression impacts sports performance
From increased pressure to perform, to injuries such as concussions and head trauma, depression is more common in athletes than most would assume.
Symptoms of depression in athletes
  • sadness, fatigue
  • anger, irritability
  • isolation

We help athletes manage depression.

Reducing anxiety

How anxiety impacts sports performance
Balancing athletic and non-athletic pressures can lead to fear of failure and perfectionistic tendencies, which can trigger anxiety in athletes. 
Symptoms of anxiety in athletes
  • increased heart rate, erratic breathing
  • loss of focus
  • feeling apprehensive or powerless

We help athletes reduce anxiety.

Treating an eating disorder

How eating disorders impact sports performance
Fuel is critical to competition and daily life, but the focus on training can sometimes unintentionally lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise.
Symptoms of eating disorders in athletes
  • moodiness, decreased energy, physical fatigue
  • physical implications, such as weaker bones or muscles
  • retreat from social activities, preoccupation with food

We help athletes treat eating disorders.

Overcoming compulsive exercising

How can compulsive exercising affect you
Injuries and impaired social relationships can result from excessive physical training and compulsive exercise behaviors.
Symptoms of compulsive exercising
  • training through an injury
  • feeling like training is never enough
  • skipping social activities in order to exercise

We help athletes overcome compulsive exercising.

Recovering from injury

How an injury impacts overall health
After an injury, psychological therapy is just as critical as physical therapy as injuries impact our mental along with our physical well-being.
Symptoms of injury in athletes
  • swelling, pain 
  • limited movement
  • impacted behavior, sadness

We help athletes recover from injuries.

Strategies for mental blocks

How mental blocks impact athletes
Many athletes experience indescribable psychological obstacles that prevent them from reaching peak performance.
Signs athletes are struggling with mental blocks
  • increased anxiety
  • playing ‘on your heels’ or performance inconsistency
  • retreating from practice or competition

We help athletes develop strategies for mental blocks.

Recovering from burnout

Why athletes experience burnout syndrome

As athletes work towards a higher level of performance, training, or competition, the stress to mind and body may also increase.

Signs athletes are experiencing burnout
  • fatigue, irritability
  • impacted motivation and sleep
  • muscle soreness, injuries

We help athletes recover from burnout.

Wellness for LGBTQIA+

What LGBTQIA+ athletes may experience

Mental health risks are more prominent in the LGBTQIA+ community due to increased stressors, often related to bullying, harassment, or discrimination.

Signs wellness is at risk in LGBTQIA+ athletes
  • impacted behavior, low self-confidence
  • impacted performance
  • depression, anxiety

We help LGBTQIA+ athletes thrive.

Athletes in our community are as diverse as their goals.

Playing a variety of sports

Basketball, volleyball, tennis, lacrosse, field hockey, ice hockey, water polo, snowboarding, skiing, soccer, football, surfing, pickleball, and more

Representing a spectrum of ages

From youth to young adults in high school or college, from recreational adult leagues to professional sports

Our therapists support unique goals for each athlete

From blocking distractions, to building confidence, we build resilience in every athlete

Meet the team

Empowering athletes to find, see and cultivate resilience.

My daughter thinks the world of Dr. O’Brien and feels safe, supported, and motivated by the work they do together. I feel confident that she can provide any child with the wisdom, faith, and motivation that they need.

Anonymous Parent of Unlimited Resilience Athlete

Professional Soccer Player,
San Diego Wave

Our therapy is customized to meet the athlete where they are and empower them to get where they want to be.

Though the power of movement

Studies show that movement helps relieve tension, boosts energy, and reduces stress. Our team leverages movement in our sessions to increase blood flow and boost cognitive function, among other benefits.

Virtual & in-person therapy

With therapists in the northeast, our team leverages online therapy and in-person activities to customize sessions that work for each athlete.

One-on-one & community options

Sessions can remain between a therapist and an athlete, or can expand to include a community of like-minded athletes – it’s up to each athlete and their goals.

Join a community for athletes by athletes.

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