Athlete & Caregivers Resource Blog

Weekly Insights for Peak Performance and Well-Being

Welcome to our weekly blog, where we share valuable mental health resources and insights specifically designed for athletes and their caregivers. Each week, we dive into important topics such as mental resilience, injury recovery, performance pressure, and overall well-being, providing practical tools and strategies to support athletes at every stage of their journey. Our goal is to provide comprehensive resources that help athletes overcome both physical and mental challenges. These resources are curated to build resilience and improve overall mental well-being.

Maintaining a positive mindset through injury

Discover how shifting your mindset during injury recovery—by focusing on growth, creating a positive mantra, and embracing the journey—can help you emerge stronger both mentally and physically.


Discover how practicing self-compassion—by being kind to yourself, embracing shared humanity, and staying mindful—can help you bounce back from failure and reach your full potential as an athlete.

Become an expert on yourself

To unlock lasting success in mental health and athletic performance, become an expert on yourself by committing fully to personal growth, making small, meaningful improvements, and maintaining those changes to build a strong foundation for ongoing self-improvement.

Values - Choosing what matters most

Values are our guiding beliefs that influence decisions and actions, unlike goals which have endpoints, and identifying your core values allows you to make choices that align with what truly matters to you.

SWOT Analysis

Use a SWOT analysis to improve decision-making and performance by identifying your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, gaining insights to create action plans for success.

Developing grit

Grit, defined as the combination of passion and perseverance, separates successful athletes from others by driving them to push through challenges, develop consistent habits, and embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth.

Introduction to mindfulness

Mindfulness involves staying non-judgmental and present with your thoughts and feelings, using tools like apps, sensory exercises, and breathing techniques to build this skill.

Managing perfectionism

Perfectionism in athletes, fueled by pressure and fear of failure, can lead to burnout, but adopting a growth mindset helps improve performance, enjoyment, and learning from mistakes.

Rest, recovery, and navigating the student-athlete balance

Balancing effort and recovery involves managing stress with equal rest, using strategies like mental disengagement, physical recovery, and mindful activities to recharge and maintain performance.

Bouncing back from mistakes

Managing mistakes in sports involves using cue words to refocus in the moment and engaging in non-judgmental reflection afterward to learn, grow, and prevent negative emotions from hindering performance.

What is resilience and how do you build it?

Resilience is the ability to adapt to adversity and stress, which athletes can develop through facing challenges in sports and applying coping skills with support from their environment, leading to personal growth both on and off the field.

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